How to setup social media right

Over 3.96 Billion people use social media!

So it makes sense why you need to use it for your business. It is one of the pillars of modern marketing. It takes time but once you are set, you can switch to auto pilot.

The main reason for having your social media profiles set up right is that it gives your brand credibility. In a world where everyone is suspicious of fake companies and scams, the first thing most people will look for, will be an active social media profile.

Other reasons why you need good social media marketing:
  • sends traffic to your site
  • good for SEO
  • brand awareness
  • brand loyalty
  • brand recognition
  • brand engagement
  • brand reach
  • brand X (replace with anything you can thing of)
Some simple tips to make sure you got all bases covered:
You need at minimum (whatever industry you are in):
  • Facebook Business Page
  • Twitter account
  • LinkedIn account
  • Google Plus account

If you selling stuff:

  • Pinterest (board per product line or collection)
  • Instagram (it used to be mainly fashion, now it’s irrelevant)

If you are an artist:

  • Behance
  • Dribble

Depending on your budget and time and talents:

  • YouTube & Vine
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • Flickr
  • Meetup
  • Stumblupon
  • Foursquare
  • SoundCloud (but why? because everyone likes music)

Social media marketing is easy. At least easy to get started. For most social media networks all you need to do is upload a logo and an interesting cover photo .Then throw is any material you have. E.g. create two Pinterest boards and upload all you product photos (in time you will evolve it). Same for Instagram, Behance and others. The key thing in social is to engage. Like, favourite, re-tweet, comment, follow, pin, appreciate. The more you do, and the more often you do it, the faster your social profiles will start getting some traction. Once they do, it get’s easier, less time consuming. So start now and remember: Mass & Velocity, i.e. build up your momentum.