Linkedin Ad types explained

Ad formats, targeting and tracking is something every LinkedIn marketer should now

With over 700 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the largest and well-used social media channels on the web, if not the largest professional business network. Their online platform allows professionals to connect through profiles that display key information such as milestones, achievements and employment history. LinkedIn is somewhat of a haven for B2B communication and networking.

On top of being able to create a personal profile, users are also able to set up a page for their business and start communicating company updates. Now there is the ability to use targeted ad campaigns to target certain audiences. This opened up huge reach potential whilst maintaining control over the design and format of the content. Users are able to communicate key company messages, amplify their proposition and generate qualified leads through the channel.

That said, it is an intricate and often expensive advertising platform and you can take it from us when we say that it takes time and testing to hit the sweet spot on LinkedIn. The margin for error is wide and costly, particularly for first time users – so we have put together a guide through the various LinkedIn Ad Types, and given you some insight on how to track them.

LinkedIn Ad Types

Let’s jump straight into the different ad formats that you can run through LinkedIn.

Text Ads

The humble text ad is a staple of Linkedin advertising, and is one of the most recognisable tools to any digital marketer. Consisting of a headline, brief text and an image the familiar layout meshes well next to the organic posts in a user’s feed.

The key advantage to using a text ad is its simplicity, requiring only a reduced version of the copy and assets that would normally be used in a standard feed post. Behind the scenes however, the ad’s audience can be fine tuned by the creator to make sure that it is served to the right people.

When completed, the compact sized text ads will appear as a small tab adjacent to the user’s feed, remaining visible but unobtrusive. Text ads can also appear in a banner across the top of the user’s screen, foregoing the image to achieve a slim profile.

Linkedin text ads are highly flexible, and can be used to target all stages of the marketing funnel, including brand awareness, website visits, engagement and ultimately website conversions.

Message Ads

Getting your advertising messages directly in front of your target audience is every marketers dream – and LinkedIn’s Message Ads offer the perfect solution to this.

Message Ads are delivered directly to the inbox of the people you want to target. Away from the clutter of the LinkedIn news feed and delivered as a single notification to the user, when used correctly, LinkedIn Message Ads can drive unrivalled engagement and action. According to LinkedIn, more than 1 in 2 prospects open up the Message Ads they receive.

Unlike standard CPC strategies, Message Ads are charged on a delivery basis, which means you pay for every message that’s sent. As this means that you’ll still pay whether or not the user opens or engages with the ad, it can be a costly method of advertising so it’s important to be tactile with your messaging.