How do I make my website affordable?

Decide if this is your best choice

A website should be an investment into your company’s future but if you’re strapped for cash we can understand why you would want to do it yourself. You just want to grow your business. And its likely you’ve been bombarded by numerous companies selling you their services and at this point you’re just fed up.

Well we’re here to help you ?

The first thing to consider is what CMS you want to use CMS stands for content management system and its how you edit your site. We recommend WordPress as its easy to use and their are lots of options that it gives you plugins, templates etc.

Now you have to choose your hosting provider, for all of our sites we use 20i because it’s the UK’s top rated web hosting agency and it has so many free features built in, it is also the fastest web hosting provider in the UK. But a few other good options are IONOS and Bluehost to name a few. All of them are super affordable and realy easy to use with WordPress.

Design, Design, Design

Don’t fret there’s lots of things out there to make this easier. First things first install a few plugins such as elementor and astra starter templates. There are tons of free templates and themes but we like Astra, if you go to the Appearance and Themes section you can download the Astra theme and choose a template. Then go to the pages and click edit with elementor to go straight to the page builder. Then you can get started right away.

There are loads of videos online that can show you how to use elementor and design your site to be perfect.

If you need any help, please feel free to send us a email and we’ll try and help you out as much as possible.