150 RLC

150 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, part of 102 Operational Sustainment Brigade, is a British Army Reserve Transport Regiment, based across Yorkshire and the Northeast. The Regiment supports its Regular counterparts by moving essential supplies and equipment to ensure the British Army has all it needs to do its job.


The 150 Regiment have partnered with One SC Media to assist with creating content for recruitment to the military reserves. The aim was to put a spotlight on the aspects of joining the reserves that are not usually given the attention that they believe it should. They also requested a website explaining the process of transferring from the Regulars to the Reserves.


A handful of members from our creative services department attended the reserves annual medal ceremony and military skills competition to shoot pictures and videos to use for social media posts. We spent the day following the 150 Regiment around, interviewing various reserves and shooting content of the activities the regiment were participating in throughout the day. After the event, the editors on our creative team used the photos and videos from the day and put together recruitment videos to advertise joining the reserves. For the website, our team created a simple design based off the content provided by 150 RLC. Once the content was inputted into the website, we made some improvements to the design to fit the content, added some imagery from the medal ceremony day and improved the visuals of the site to give it a modern feel.